Gebauer, Gerhard; Schweiger, Julienne
The use of multi-element stable isotope natural abundance (d13C, d15N, d2H) to elucidate orchid ...
2021 Virtual World Orchid Conference, Taichung, Taiwan
Henry, Hugh; Kreyling, Jürgen; Gebauer, Gerhard; Klisz, Marcin; Weigel, Robert
15 N tracer enrichment in response to winter soil temperature manipulation differs between cano ...
in Trees volume 35 (2021) . - page 325-331
doi:10.1007/s00468-020-02003-9 ...
Steibl, Sebastian; Sigl, Robert; Blaha, Sanja; Drescher, Sophia; Gebauer, Gerhard; Gürkal, Elif; Hüftlein, Frederic; Satzger, Anna; Schwarzer, Michael; Seidenath, Dimitri; Welfenbach, Jana; Zinser, Raphael S.; Laforsch, Christian
Allochthonous resources are less important for faunal communities on highly productive, small t ...
in Ecology and Evolution volume 11 (2021) issue 19. - page 13128-13138
doi:10.1002/ece3.8035 ...
Sprenger, Philipp P.; Müsse, Christian; Hartke, Juliane; Feldmeyer, Barbara; Schmitt, Thomas; Gebauer, Gerhard; Menzel, Florian
Dinner with the roommates : trophic niche differentiation and competition in a mutualistic ant- ...
in Ecological Entomology volume 46 (2021) issue 3. - page 562-572
doi:10.1111/een.13002 ...
Weigel, Robert; Henry, Hugh A. L.; Beil, Ilka; Gebauer, Gerhard; Jurasinski, Gerald; Klisz, Marcin; van der Maaten, Ernst; Muffler, Lena; Kreyling, Jürgen
Ecosystem processes show uniform sensitivity to winter soil temperature change across a gradien ...
in Ecosystems volume 24 (2021) . - page 1545-1560
doi:10.1007/s10021-021-00600-4 ...
Bindereif, Stefan G.; Rüll, Felix; Kolb, Peter; Köberle, Lucas; Willms, Holger; Steidele, Simon; Schwarzinger, Stephan; Gebauer, Gerhard
Impact of Global Climate Change on the European Barley Market Requires Novel Multi-Method Appro ...
in Foods volume 10 (2021) issue 7
doi:10.3390/foods10071592 ...
Giesemann, Philipp; Rasmussen, Hanne N.; Gebauer, Gerhard
Partial mycoheterotrophy is common among chlorophyllous plants with Paris-type arbuscular mycor ...
in Annals of Botany volume 127 (2021) issue 5. - page 645-653
doi:10.1093/aob/mcab003 ...
Gebauer, Gerhard; Clemens, Stephan
Stealing sugar from the honey fungus
in Plant, Cell & Environment volume 44 (2021) issue 1. - page 17-19
doi:10.1111/pce.13909 ...