Team > PD Dr. habil. Dennis Ochuodho Otieno

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
- Ökosystemphysiologie
- Kohlenstoff- und Wasserhaushalt
- Transpirationsflüsse
- Hydraulic Lift
Forschung in Afrika, Europa und Asien

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
Scharsich, Valeska; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Bogner, Christina
Climbing up the hills : expansion of agriculture around the Ruma National Park, Kenya
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing Bd. 40 (2019) Heft 17. - S. 6720-6736
doi:10.1080/01431161.2019.1591647 ...
Okach, Daniel Osieko; Ondier, Joseph O.; Rambold, Gerhard; Tenhunen, John; Huwe, Bernd; Jung, Eun-Young; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho
Interaction of livestock grazing and rainfall manipulation enhances herbaceous species diversit ...
In: Journal of Plant Research Bd. 132 (2019) Heft 3. - S. 345-358
doi:10.1007/s10265-019-01105-x ...
Okach, Daniel Osieko; Ondier, Joseph O.; Kumar, Amit; Rambold, Gerhard; Tenhunen, John; Huwe, Bernd; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho
Interactive influence of livestock grazing and manipulated rainfall on soil properties in a hum ...
In: Journal of Soils and Sediments Bd. 19 (2019) Heft 3. - S. 1088-1098
doi:10.1007/s11368-018-2117-x ...
Okach, Daniel Osieko; Ondier, Joseph O.; Kumar, Amit; Rambold, Gerhard; Tenhunen, John; Huwe, Bernd; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho
Livestock grazing and rainfall manipulation alter the patterning of CO2 fluxes and biomass deve ...
In: Plant Ecology Bd. 220 (2019) Heft 11. - S. 1085-1100
doi:10.1007/s11258-019-00977-2 ...
Winters, Gidon; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Cohen, Shabtai; Bogner, Christina; Ragowloski, Gideon; Paudel, Indira; Klein, Tamir
Tree growth and water-use in hyper-arid Acacia occurs during the hottest and driest season
In: Oecologia Bd. 188 (2018) Heft 3. - S. 695-705
doi:10.1007/s00442-018-4250-z ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Li, Yuelin; Liu, Xiaodong; Zhou, Guoyi; Cheng, JIng; Ou, Yangxu; Liu, Shizhong; Chen, Xiuzhi; Zhang, Qianmei; Tang, Xuli; Zhang, Deqiang; Jung, Eun-Young; Tenhunen, John
Spatial heterogeneity in stand characteristics alters water use patterns of mountain forests
In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Bd. 236 (2017) . - S. 78-86
doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.01.007 ...
Schweiger, Andreas; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Kulunge, Salum R.; Reineking, Björn; Tenhunen, John
The Afro-alpine dwarf shrub Helichrysum citrispinum favours understorey plants through microcli ...
In: Plant Ecology & Diversity Bd. 8 (2015) Heft 3. - S. 293-303
doi:10.1080/17550874.2015.1014207 ...
Lindner, Steve; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Lee, Bora; Xue, Wei; Arnhold, Sebastian; Kwon, Hyojung; Huwe, Bernd; Tenhunen, John
Carbon dioxide exchange and its regulation in the main agro-ecosystems of Haean catchment in So ...
In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Bd. 199 (2015) . - S. 132-145
doi:10.1016/j.agee.2014.09.005 ...
Hussain, Mir Zaman; Sarawathi, Gnaana; Lalrammawia, Chhakchhuak; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Paliwal, Kailash; Tenhunen, John
Leaf and ecosystem gas exchange responses of buffel grass-dominated grassland to summer precipi ...
In: Pedosphere Bd. 25 (2015) Heft 1. - S. 112-123
doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(14)60081-3 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Ondier, Joseph O.; Arnhold, Sebastian; Okach, Daniel Osieko; Ruidisch, Marianne; Lee, Bora; Kolb, Andreas; Onyango, John C.; Huwe, Bernd
Patterns of CO₂ exchange and productivity of the herbaceous vegetation and trees in a humid sav ...
In: Plant Ecology Bd. 216 (2015) Heft 10. - S. 1441-1456
doi:10.1007/s11258-015-0523-3 ...
Arnhold, Sebastian; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Onyango, John C.; Koellner, Thomas; Huwe, Bernd; Tenhunen, John
Soil properties along a gradient from hillslopes to the savanna plains in the Lambwe Valley, Ke ...
In: Soil & Tillage Research Bd. 154 (2015) . - S. 75-83
doi:10.1016/j.still.2015.06.021 ...
Jung, Eun-Young; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Kwon, Hyojung; Berger, Sina; Hauer, Melanie; Tenhunen, John
Influence of elevation on canopy transpiration of temperate deciduous forests in a complex moun ...
In: Plant and Soil Bd. 378 (2014) Heft 1-2. - S. 153-172
doi:10.1007/s11104-013-2019-z ...
K'Otuto, George Ohuma; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Onyango, John C.; Ogindo, Harun O.
Seasonal dynamics in carbon dioxide fluxes of the herbaceous layer of a moist Kenyan savannah
In: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research Bd. 12 (2014) Heft 1. - S. 63-82
K'Otuto, George Ohuma; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Seo, Bumsuk; Onyango, John C.; Ogindo, Harun O.
Carbon dioxide exchange and biomass productivity of the herbaceous layer of a managed tropical ...
In: Journal of Plant Ecology Bd. 6 (2013) Heft 4. - S. 286-297
doi:10.1093/jpe/rts038 ...
Jung, Eun-Young; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Kwon, Hyojung; Lee, Bora; Lim, Jong Hwan; Kim, Joon; Tenhunen, John
Water use by a warm-temperate deciduous forest under the influence of the Asian monsoon : contr ...
In: Journal of Plant Research Bd. 126 (2013) Heft 5. - S. 661-674
doi:10.1007/s10265-013-0563-5 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho
Controls on carbon flow in grassland ecosystems
Bayreuth, 2012
(Habilitation, 2012,
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Kreyling, Jürgen; Purcell, Andrew; Herold, Nadine; Grant, Kerstin; Tenhunen, John; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Jentsch, Anke
Drought responses of Arrhenatherum elatius grown in plant assemblages of varying species richne ...
In: Acta Oecologica Bd. 39 (2012) . - S. 11-17
doi:10.1016/j.actao.2011.10.002 ...
Maina, John Nyongesa; Wang, Quan; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Mupenzi, Jean de la Paix; Onyango, John C.; Oula, Dorah
Interactive effects of livestock and trees on nutrients and herbaceous layer production in a hu ...
In: East African Journal of Science and Technology Bd. 1 (2012) Heft 1. - S. 9-26 ...
Kimuyu, Duncan M.; Wahungu, Geoffrey M.; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho
Seed dispersal by Tana River mangabeys in fragmented gallery forests
In: Open Journal of Ecology Bd. 2 (2012) Heft 1. - S. 12-20
doi:10.4236/oje.2012.21002 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Lindner, Steve; Muhr, Jan; Borken, Werner
Sensitivity of peatland herbaceous vegetation to vapor pressure deficit influences net ecosyste ...
In: Wetlands Bd. 32 (2012) . - S. 895-905
doi:10.1007/s13157-012-0322-8 ...
Jentsch, Anke; Kreyling, Jürgen; Elmer, Michael; Gellesch, Ellen; Glaser, Bruno; Grant, Kerstin; Hein, Roman; Lara Jiménez, Marco T.; Mirzaee, Haidar; Nadler, Stefanie; Nagy, Laura; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Pritsch, Karin; Rascher, Uwe; Schädler, Martin; Schloter, Michael; Singh, Brajesh K.; Stadler, Jutta; Walter, Julia; Wellstein, Camilla; Wöllecke, Jens; Beierkuhnlein, Carl
Climate extremes initiate ecosystem regulating functions while maintaining productivity
In: Journal of Ecology Bd. 99 (2011) Heft 3. - S. 689-702
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01817.x ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Mirzaei, Heydar; Hussain, Mir Zaman; Li, Yanli; Schmidt, Markus; Wartinger, Margarete; Jung, Eun-Young; Ribeiro, Nuno; Pereira, João Santos; Tenhunen, John
Herbaceous layer development during spring does not deplete soil nitrogen in the Portuguese mon ...
In: Journal of Arid Environments Bd. 75 (2011) Heft 3. - S. 231-238
doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2010.10.011 ...
Muhr, Jan; Höhle, Juliane; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Borken, Werner
Manipulative lowering of the water table during summer does not affect CO₂ emissions and uptake ...
In: Ecological Applications Bd. 21 (2011) Heft 2. - S. 391-401
doi:10.1890/09-1251.1 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; K'Otuto, George Ohuma; Jákli, Bálint; Schröttle, Patrik; Maina, John Nyongesa; Jung, Eun-Young; Onyango, John C.
Spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem structure and productivity in a moist Kenyan savanna
In: Plant Ecology Bd. 212 (2011) Heft 5. - S. 769-783
doi:10.1007/s11258-010-9863-1 ...
Jung, Eun-Young; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Lee, Bora; Lim, Jong Hwan; Kang, Sinkyu; Schmidt, Markus; Tenhunen, John
Up-scaling to stand transpiration of an Asian temperate mixed-deciduous forest from single tree ...
In: Plant Ecology Bd. 212 (2011) Heft 3. - S. 383-395
doi:10.1007/s11258-010-9829-3 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; K'Otuto, George Ohuma; Maina, John Nyongesa; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Onyango, John C.
Responses of ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes to soil moisture fluctuations
in a moist Kenyan sa ...
In: Journal of Tropical Ecology Bd. 26 (2010) Heft 6. - S. 605-618
doi:10.1017/S0266467410000416 ...
Liu, S.; Li, Y.-L.; Zhou, G.-Y.; Wenigmann, K. O.; Luo, Y.; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Tenhunen, John
Applying biomass and stem fluxes to quantify temporal and spatial fluctuations of an old-growth ...
In: Biogeosciences Discussions Bd. 6 (2009) . - S. 2723-2753
doi:10.5194/bgd-6-2723-2009 ...
Hussain, Mir Zaman; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Mirzaee, Haidar; Li, Y. L.; Schmidt, Markus; Siebicke, Lukas; Foken, Thomas; Ribeiro, N. A.; Pereira, João Santos; Tenhunen, John
CO₂ exchange and biomass development of the herbaceous vegetation in the Portuguese montado eco ...
In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Bd. 132 (2009) Heft 1-2. - S. 143-152
doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.03.008 ...
Tenhunen, John; Geyer, Ralf; Adiku, Samuel; Reichstein, Markus; Tappeiner, Ulrike; Bahn, Michael; Cernusca, Alexander; Dinh, Nguyen Quoc; Kolcun, Olimpia; Lohila, Annalea; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Schmidt, Markus; Schmitt, Martin; Wang, Quan; Wartinger, Margarete; Wohlfahrt, Georg
Influences of changing land use and CO₂ concentration on ecosystem and landscape level carbon a ...
In: Global and Planetary Change Bd. 67 (2009) Heft 1-2. - S. 29-43
doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.12.010 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Wartinger, Margarete; Nishiwaki, A.; Hussain, Mir Zaman; Muhr, Jan; Borken, Werner; Lischeid, Gunnar
Responses of CO2 exchange and primary production of the ecosystem components to environmental c ...
In: Ecosystems Bd. 12 (2009) Heft 4. - S. 590-603
doi:10.1007/s10021-009-9245-5 ...
Li, Yuelin; Tenhunen, John; Mirzaei, Heydar; Hussain, Mir Zaman; Siebicke, Lukas; Foken, Thomas; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Schmidt, Markus; Ribeiro, N. A.; Aires, Luis M.; Pio, C.; Banza, J.; Pereira, João Santos
Assessment and up-scaling of CO₂ exchange by patches of the herbaceous vegetation mosaic in Por ...
In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Bd. 148 (2008) Heft 8-9. - S. 1318-1331
doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.03.013 ...
Jeruto, Pascaline; Lukhoba, Catherine; Ouma, George; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Mutai, Charles
Herbal treatments in Aldai and Kaptumo divisions in Nandi District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya
In: African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines Bd. 5 (2008) Heft 1. - S. 103-105 ...
Li, Yuelin; Tenhunen, John; Owen, Katie; Schmitt, Martin; Bahn, Michael; Drösler, Matthias; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Schmidt, Markus; Grünwald, Thomas; Hussain, Mir Zaman; Mirzaee, Haidar; Bernhofer, Christian
Patterns in CO₂ gas exchange capacity of grassland ecosystems in the Alps
In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Bd. 148 (2008) Heft 1. - S. 51-68
doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2007.09.002 ...
Li, Yuelin; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Owen, Katie; Zhang, Yun; Tenhunen, John; Rao, Xing-Quan; Lin, Yong-Biao
Temporal variability in soil CO₂ emission in an orchard forest ecosystem
In: Pedosphere Bd. 18 (2008) Heft 3. - S. 273-283
doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(08)60017-X ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Schmidt, Markus; Kurz-Besson, Cathy; Pereira, João Santos; Tenhunen, John; Lobo-do-Vale, Raquel
Regulation of transpirational water loss in Quercus suber trees in a
Mediterranean-type ecosyst ...
In: Tree Physiology Bd. 27 (2007) Heft 8. - S. 1179-1187
doi:10.1093/treephys/27.8.1179 ...
Kurz-Besson, Cathy; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Lobo-do-Vale, Raquel; Siegwolf, Rolf; Schmidt, Markus; Herd, Alastair; Nogueira, Carla; David, Teresa S.; David, Jorge Soares; Tenhunen, John; Santos Pereira, João; Chaves, Manuela
Hydraulic lift in cork oak trees in a savanna-type Mediterranean ecosystem and its contribution ...
In: Plant and Soil Bd. 282 (2006) Heft 1-2. - S. 361-378
doi:10.1007/s11104-006-0005-4 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Kurz-Besson, Cathy; Liu, Jie; Schmidt, Markus; Lobo-do-Vale, Raquel; David, Teresa S.; Siegwolf, Rolf; Pereira, João Santos; Tenhunen, John
Seasonal Variations in Soil and Plant Water Status in a Quercus suber L. Stand: Roots as Determ ...
In: Plant and Soil Bd. 283 (2006) Heft 1-2. - S. 119-135
doi:10.1007/s11104-004-7539-0 ...
Wang, Quan; Tenhunen, John; Schmidt, Markus; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Kolcun, Olimpia; Drösler, Matthias
Diffuse PAR irradiance under clear skies in complex alpine terrain
In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Bd. 128 (2005) Heft 1-2. - S. 1-15
doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2004.09.004 ...
Wang, Quan; Tenhunen, John; Dinh, Nguyen Quoc; Reichstein, Markus; Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Granier, André; Pilegaard, Kim
Evaluation of seasonal variation of MODIS derived leaf area index at two European deciduous bro ...
In: Remote Sensing of Environment Bd. 96 (2005) Heft 3-4. - S. 475-484
doi:10.1016/j.rse.2005.04.003 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Schmidt, Markus; Adiku, Samuel; Tenhunen, John
Physiological and morphological responses to water stress in two Acacia species from contrastin ...
In: Tree Physiology Bd. 25 (2005) Heft 3. - S. 361-371
doi:10.1093/treephys/25.3.361 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho; Schmidt, Markus; Kinyamario, J. I.; Tenhunen, John
Responses of Acacia tortilis and Acacia xanthophloea to seasonal changes in soil water availabi ...
In: Journal of Arid Environments Bd. 62 (2005) Heft 3. - S. 377-400
doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2005.01.001 ...
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho
Coordinated Tree Responses to Drought-Vulnerability and Sustainable Production : Hypotheses on ...
Bayreuth, 2004 ...
(Dissertation, 2004,

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
PD Dr. habil. Dennis Ochuodho Otieno
Telefon: +49-921-55-2564