Yongdoo Kim

Bis 09/2016 beim Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
e-Mail: kinjury(at)hotmail.com
Effects of microclimate and soil moisture on leaf-level gas exchange of irrigated rice
(Bachelor thesis supervised by PD Dr. Dennis Otieno)
Yongdoo Kim conducted his bachelor field work in the agriculture experimental fields of Chonam University in South Korea. His main interest was to investigate how microclimate and soil moisture affects leaf-level gas exchange of irrigated rice. Most of the rice grown in S. Korea is paddy rice, but steady decline in precipitation has elicited the need to find alternative methods of rice production. Thus, efforts are being made to develop varieties that can grow through direct seeding and without flooding. Since leaf level gas exchange provides an initial indicator of production potential, Yongdoo’s interest was to examine the magnitudes and fluctuation of leaf gas exchange of a new rice variety developed for promotion of irrigated-rice production. Yongdoo is currently at an advanced stage of thesis writing, under the supervision of Dr. Dennis Otieno.