Team > Prof. Dr. Steven Higgins

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
Steven Higgins hat 2017 die Leitung des Lehrstuhls Pflanzenökologie an der Universität Bayreuth übernommen. Davor war er Professor für Botanik an der Universität Otago (2013-2017) und Professor für Physische Geographie an der Johann-Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main (2007-2013). Higgins absolvierte einen BSc in Botanik und Zoologie (1991) und BSc Honours in Botanik (1992) an der Universität Witwatersrand und promovierte in Botanik an der Universität Cape Town (1998).
Steven Higgins erforscht die Prozesse, die die Verbreitung und Dynamik von Pflanzen bestimmen und die Rolle, die Pflanzen im Erdsystem spielen. Ziel seiner Forschung ist es, Möglichkeiten zu entwickeln, um die zukünftigen Zustände der Landoberfläche vorherzusagen. Zu den Themen gehören: prozessbasierte Modellierung der Artenverteilung, dynamische Vegetationsmodellierung, "detection and attribution" (Erkennung und Zuordnung) von ökologischen Veränderungen, Biomverschiebungen, Ökophysiologie von Trockenstress, Savannenökosysteme.

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
Higgins, Steven; Banerjee, Swarnendu; Baudena, Mara; Bowman, David M. J. S.; Conradi, Timo; Couteron, Pierre; Kruger, Laurence M.; O'Hara, Robert B.; Williamson, Grant J.
Reassessing the alternative ecosystem states proposition in the African savanna-forest domain
In: New Phytologist Bd. 243 (2024) Heft 5. - S. 1660-1669
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007973 ...
Conradi, Timo; Eggli, Urs; Kreft, Holger; Schweiger, Andreas; Weigelt, Patrick; Higgins, Steven
Reassessment of the risks of climate change for terrestrial ecosystems
In: Nature Ecology & Evolution Bd. 8 (2024) . - S. 888-900
doi:10.1038/s41559-024-02333-8 ...
Wigley, Benjamin J.; Coetsee, Corli; February, Edmund C.; Dobelmann, Svenja; Higgins, Steven
Will trees or grasses profit from changing rainfall regimes in savannas?
In: New Phytologist Bd. 241 (2024) Heft 6. - S. 2379-2394
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007739 ...
Higgins, Steven; Conradi, Timo; Ongole, Shasank; Turpie, Jane; Weiss, Joshua; Eggli, Urs; Slingsby, Jasper A.
Changes in How Climate Forces the Vegetation of Southern Africa
In: Ecosystems Bd. 26 (2023) Heft 8. - S. 1716-1733
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007381 ...
Higgins, Steven; Conradi, Timo; Kruger, Laurence M.; O'Hara, Robert B.; Slingsby, Jasper A.
Limited climatic space for alternative ecosystem states in Africa
In: Science Bd. 380 (2023) Heft 6649. - S. 1038-1042
doi:10.1126/science.add5190 ...
Higgins, Steven; Conradi, Timo; Muhoko, Edward
Shifts in vegetation activity of terrestrial ecosystems attributable to climate trends
In: Nature Geoscience Bd. 16 (2023) . - S. 147-153
doi:10.1038/s41561-022-01114-x ...
Schweiger, Andreas; Nürk, Nicolai; Beckett, Heath; Liede-Schumann, Sigrid; Midgley, Guy F.; Higgins, Steven
The eco‐evolutionary significance of rainfall constancy for facultative CAM photosynthesis
In: New Phytologist Bd. 230 (2021) Heft 4. - S. 1653-1664
doi:10.1111/nph.17250 ...
Higgins, Steven; Larcombe, Matthew J.; Beeton, Nicholas J.; Conradi, Timo
Transferability of correlative and process‐based species distribution models revisited : A resp ...
In: Ecology and Evolution Bd. 11 (2021) Heft 19. - S. 13613-13617
doi:10.1002/ece3.8081 ...
Nürk, Nicolai M.; Linder, H. Peter; Onstein, Renske E.; Larcombe, Matthew J.; Hughes, Colin E.; Piñeiro Fernández, Laura; Schlüter, Philipp M.; Valente, Luis; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Cutts, Vanessa; Donoghue, Michael J.; Edwards, Erika J.; Field, Richard; Flantua, Suzette G. A.; Higgins, Steven; Jentsch, Anke; Liede-Schumann, Sigrid; Pirie, Michael D.
Diversification in evolutionary arenas : Assessment and synthesis
In: Ecology and Evolution Bd. 10 (2020) Heft 12. - S. 6163-6182
doi:10.1002/ece3.6313 ...
Conradi, Timo; Slingsby, Jasper A.; Midgley, Guy F.; Nottebrock, Henning; Schweiger, Andreas; Higgins, Steven I.
An operational definition of the biome for global change research
In: New Phytologist Bd. 227 (2020) Heft 5. - S. 1294-1306
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005034 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Larcombe, Matthew J.; Beeton, Nicholas J.; Conradi, Timo; Nottebrock, Henning
Predictive ability of a process-based versus a correlative species distribution model
In: Ecology and Evolution Bd. 10 (2020) Heft 20. - S. 11043-11054
doi:10.1002/ece3.6712 ...
February, Edmund; Pausch, Johanna; Higgins, Steven
Major contribution of grass roots to soil carbon pools and CO₂ fluxes in a mesic savanna
In: Plant and Soil Bd. 454 (2020) . - S. 207-215
doi:10.1007/s11104-020-04649-3 ...
Pfeiffer, Mirjam; Langan, Liam; Linstädter, Anja; Martens, Carola; Gaillard, Camille; Ruppert, Jan C.; Higgins, Steven; Mudongo, Edwin I.; Scheiter, Simon
Grazing and aridity reduce perennial grass abundance in semi-arid rangelands : Insights from a ...
In: Ecological Modelling Bd. 395 (2019) . - S. 11-22
doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.12.013 ...
Tautenhahn, Susanne; Grün-Wenzel, Christina; Jung, Martin; Higgins, Steven I.; Römermann, Christine
On the relevance of intraspecific trait variability : A synthesis of 56 dry grassland sites ac ...
In: Flora : Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants Bd. 254 (2019) . - S. 161-172
doi:10.1016/j.flora.2019.03.002 ...
Beckage, Brian; Bucini, Gabriela; Gross, Louis J.; Platt, William J.; Higgins, Steven; Fowler, Norma L.; Slocum, Matthew G.; Farrior, Caroline
Water Limitation, Fire, and Savanna Persistence
Savanna Woody Plants and Large Herbivores
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2019. - S. 643-659
doi:10.1002/9781119081111.ch19 ...
Gaillard, Camille; Langan, Liam; Pfeiffer, Mirjam; Kumar, Dushyant; Martens, Carola; Higgins, Steven I.; Scheiter, Simon
African shrub distribution emerges via a trade-off between height and sapwood conductivity
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 45 (2018) Heft 12. - S. 2815-2826
doi:10.1111/jbi.13447 ...
Archibald, Sally; Lehmann, C. E. R.; Belcher, Claire M.; Bond, William J.; Bradstock, Ross A.; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dexter, Kyle G.; Forrestel, Elisabeth J.; Greve, Michelle; He, T.; Higgins, Steven I.; Hoffmann, William A.; Lamont, Byron B.; McGlinn, Daniel J.; Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Osborne, Colin P.; Pausas, Juli G.; Price, Owen F.; Ripley, Brad S.; Rogers, Brendan M.; Schwilk, Dylan W.; Simon, Marcelo F.; Turetsky, Merritt R.; van der Werf, G. R.; Zanne, Amy E.
Biological and geophysical feedbacks with fire in the Earth system
In: Environmental Research Letters Bd. 13 (2018) Heft 3
doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa9ead ...
Magarey, Roger; Newton, Leslie; Hong, Seung Cheon; Takeuchi, Yu; Christie, David; Jarnevich, Catherine S.; Kohl, Lisa; Damus, Martin; Higgins, Steven I.; Millar, Leah; Castro, Karen; West, Amanda; Hastings, John; Cook, Gericke; Kartesz, John; Koop, Anthony L.
Comparison of four modeling tools for the prediction of potential distribution for non-indigeno ...
In: Biological Invasions Bd. 20 (2018) Heft 3. - S. 679-694
doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1567-1 ...
Larcombe, Matthew J.; Jordan, Gregory J.; Bryant, David; Higgins, Steven I.
The dimensionality of niche space allows bounded and unbounded processes to jointly influence d ...
In: Nature Communications Bd. 9 (2018)
doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06732-x ...
Rose, Laura; Buitenwerf, Robert; Cramer, Michael; February, Edmund C.; Higgins, Steven I.
Effects of nutrient supply on carbon and water economies of C4 grasses
In: Functional Plant Biology Bd. 45 (2018) Heft 9. - S. 935-944
doi:10.1071/FP17359 ...
Jucker, Tommaso; Caspersen, John; Chave, Jérôme; Antin, Cécile; Barbier, Nicolas; Bongers, Frans; Dalponte, Michele; van Ewijk, Karin Y.; Forrester, David I.; Haeni, Matthias; Higgins, Steven I.; Holdaway, Robert J.; Iida, Yoshiko; Lorimer, Craig; Marshall, Peter L.; Momo, Stéphane; Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Ploton, Pierre; Poorter, Lourens; Rahman, Kassim Abd; Schlund, Michael; Sonké, Bonaventure; Sterck, Frank J.; Trugman, Anna T.; Usoltsev, Vladimir A.; Vanderwel, Mark C.; Waldner, Peter; Wedeux, Beatrice M. M.; Wirth, Christian; Wöll, Hannsjörg; Woods, Murray; Xiang, Wenhua; Zimmermann, Niklaus E.; Coomes, David A.
Allometric equations for integrating remote sensing imagery into forest monitoring programmes
In: Global Change Biology Bd. 23 (2017) Heft 1. - S. 177-190
doi:10.1111/gcb.13388 ...
Langan, Liam; Higgins, Steven I.; Scheiter, Simon
Climate-biomes, pedo-biomes or pyro-biomes : which world view explains the tropical forest-sava ...
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 44 (2017) Heft 10. - S. 2319-2330
doi:10.1111/jbi.13018 ...
Higgins, Steven I.
Ecosystem Assembly : A Mission for Terrestrial Earth System Science
In: Ecosystems Bd. 20 (2017) Heft 1. - S. 69-77
doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0054-3 ...
Bucher, Solveig Franziska; Auerswald, Karl; Grün-Wenzel, Christina; Higgins, Steven; Garcia Jorge, Javier; Römermann, Christine
Stomatal traits relate to habitat preferences of herbaceous species in a temperate climate
In: Flora : Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants Bd. 229 (2017) . - S. 107-115
doi:10.1016/j.flora.2017.02.011 ...
Buitenwerf, Robert; Higgins, Steven I.
Convergence among global biogeographical realms in the physiological niche of evergreen and dec ...
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography Bd. 25 (2016) Heft 6. - S. 704-715
doi:10.1111/geb.12447 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Buitenwerf, Robert; Moncrieff, Glenn R.
Defining functional biomes and monitoring their change globally
In: Global Change Biology Bd. 22 (2016) Heft 11. - S. 3583-3593
doi:10.1111/gcb.13367 ...
Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Scheiter, Simon; Langan, Liam; Trabucco, Antonio; Higgins, Steven I.
The future distribution of the savannah biome : model-based and biogeographic contingency
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Bd. 371 (2016) Heft 1703
doi:10.1098/rstb.2015.0311 ...
Bowman, David M. J. S.; Perry, George L. W.; Higgins, Steven; Johnson, Chris N.; Fuhlendorf, Samuel D.; Murphy, Brett P.
Pyrodiversity is the coupling of biodiversity and fire regimes in food webs
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Bd. 371 (2016) Heft 1696
doi:10.1098/rstb.2015.0169 ...
February, Edmund Carl; Higgins, Steven
Rapid Leaf Deployment Strategies in a Deciduous Savanna
In: PLoS One Bd. 11 (2016) Heft 6
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157833 ...
Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Bond, William J.; Higgins, Steven I.
Revising the biome concept for understanding and predicting global change impacts
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 43 (2016) Heft 5. - S. 863-873
doi:10.1111/jbi.12701 ...
Scheiter, Simon; Higgins, Steven I.; Beringer, Jason; Hutley, Lindsay B.
Climate change and long-term fire management impacts on Australian savannas
In: New Phytologist Bd. 205 (2015) Heft 3. - S. 1211-1226
doi:10.1111/nph.13130 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Keretetse, Moagi; February, Edmund C.
Feedback of trees on nitrogen mineralization to restrict the advance of trees in C4 savannahs
In: Biology Letters Bd. 11 (2015) Heft 8
doi:10.1098/rsbl.2015.0572 ...
Baudena, Mara; Dekker, Stefan C.; van Bodegom, Peter M.; Cuesta, B.; Higgins, Steven I.; Lehsten, Veiko; Reick, Christian H.; Rietkerk, Max; Scheiter, Simon; Yin, Zun; Zavala, Miguel A.; Brovkin, Victor
Forests, savannas, and grasslands : bridging the knowledge gap between ecology and Dynamic Glob ...
In: Biogeosciences Bd. 12 (2015) Heft 6. - S. 1833-1848
doi:10.5194/bg-12-1833-2015 ...
Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Hickler, Thomas; Higgins, Steven I.
Intercontinental divergence in the climate envelope of major plant biomes
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography Bd. 24 (2015) Heft 3. - S. 324-334
doi:10.1111/geb.12257 ...
Zimmermann, Julia; Higgins, Steven I.; Grimm, Volker; Hoffmann, John; Linstädter, Anja
Local density effects on individual production are dynamic : insights from natural stands of a ...
In: Oecologia Bd. 178 (2015) Heft 4. - S. 1125-1135
doi:10.1007/s00442-015-3291-9 ...
Pachzelt, Adrian; Forrest, Matthew; Rammig, Anja; Higgins, Steven I.; Hickler, Thomas
Potential impact of large ungulate grazers on African vegetation, carbon storage and fire regim ...
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography Bd. 24 (2015) Heft 9. - S. 991-1002
doi:10.1111/geb.12313 ...
Buitenwerf, Robert; Rose, Laura; Higgins, Steven I.
Three decades of multi-dimensional change in global leaf phenology
In: Nature Climate Change Bd. 5 (2015) Heft 4. - S. 364-368
doi:10.1038/nclimate2533 ...
Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Scheiter, Simon; Slingsby, Jasper A.; Higgins, Steven
Understanding global change impacts on South African biomes using Dynamic Vegetation Models
In: South African Journal of Botany Bd. 101 (2015) . - S. 16-23
doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2015.02.004 ...
Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Lehmann, Caroline E. R.; Schnitzler, Jan; Gambiza, James; Hiernaux, Pierre; Ryan, Casey M.; Shackleton, Charlie M.; Williams, Richard J.; Higgins, Steven I.
Contrasting architecture of key African and Australian savanna tree taxa drives intercontinenta ...
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography Bd. 23 (2014) Heft 11. - S. 1235-1244
doi:10.1111/geb.12205 ...
Zizka, Alexander; Govender, Navashni; Higgins, Steven I.
How to tell a shrub from a tree : A life-history perspective from a South African savanna
In: Austral Ecology Bd. 39 (2014) Heft 7. - S. 767-778
doi:10.1111/aec.12142 ...
Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Scheiter, Simon; Bond, William J.; Higgins, Steven I.
Increasing atmospheric CO₂overrides the historical legacy of multiple stable biome states in Af ...
In: New Phytologist Bd. 201 (2014) Heft 3. - S. 908-915
doi:10.1111/nph.12551 ...
Svenning, Jens-Christian; Gravel, Dominique; Holt, Robert D.; Schurr, Frank M.; Thuiller, Wilfried; Münkemüller, Tamara; Schiffers, Katja H.; Dullinger, Stefan; Edwards, Thomas C.; Hickler, Thomas; Higgins, Steven I.; Nabel, Julia E. M. S.; Pagel, Jörn; Normand, Signe
The influence of interspecific interactions on species range expansion rates
In: Ecography Bd. 37 (2014) Heft 12. - S. 1198-1209
doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00574.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Richardson, David M.
Invasive plants have broader physiological niches
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Bd. 111 (2014) Heft 29. - S. 10610-10614
doi:10.1073/pnas.1406075111 ...
Buendia Grigoriu, Corina; Arens, S.; Hickler, Thomas; Higgins, Steven I.; Porada, P.; Kleidon, A.
On the potential vegetation feedbacks that enhance phosphorus availability – insights from a pr ...
In: Biogeosciences Bd. 11 (2014) . - S. 3661-3683
doi:10.5194/bg-11-3661-2014 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Langan, Liam; Scheiter, Simon
Progress in DGVMs : a comment on "Impacts of trait variation through observed trait–climate rel ...
In: Biogeosciences Bd. 11 (2014) Heft 16. - S. 4357-4360
doi:10.5194/bg-11-4357-2014 ...
Lehmann, Caroline E. R.; Anderson, T. Michael; Sankaran, Mahesh; Higgins, Steven I.; Archibald, Sally; Hoffmann, William A.; Hanan, Niall P.; Williams, Richard J.; Fensham, Roderick J.; Felfili, Jeanine; Hutley, Lindsay B.; Ratnam, Jayashree; San Jose, Jose; Montes, Ruben; Franklin, Don; Russell-Smith, Jeremy; Ryan, Casey M.; Durigan, Giselda; Hiernaux, Pierre; Haidar, Ricardo; Bowman, David M. J. S.; Bond, William J.
Savanna Vegetation-Fire-Climate Relationships Differ Among Continents
In: Science Bd. 343 (2014) Heft 6170. - S. 548-552
doi:10.1126/science.1247355 ...
Buitenwerf, Robert; Kulmatiski, Andrew; Higgins, Steven
Soil water retention curves for the major soil types of the Kruger National Park
In: Koedoe Bd. 56 (2014) Heft 1
doi:10.4102/koedoe.v56i1.1228 ...
Snell, Rebecca S.; Huth, Andreas; Nabel, J. E. M. S.; Bocedi, Greta; Travis, Justin; Gravel, Dominique; Bugmann, Harald; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Hickler, Thomas; Higgins, Steven I.; Reineking, Björn; Scherstjanoi, Marc; Zurbriggen, Natalie; Lischke, Heike
Using dynamic vegetation models to simulate plant range shifts
In: Ecography Bd. 37 (2014) Heft 12. - S. 1184-1197
doi:10.1111/ecog.00580 ...
Börner, Jan; Higgins, Steven I.; Scheiter, Simon; Kantelhardt, Jochen
Approximating Optimal Numerical Solutions to Bio-economic Systems : How Useful is Simulation-op ...
In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture Bd. 52 (2013) Heft 3. - S. 179-198
doi:10.22004/ag.econ.173645 ...
Pachzelt, Adrian; Rammig, Anja; Higgins, Steven; Hickler, Thomas
Coupling a physiological grazer population model with a generalized model for vegetation dynami ...
In: Ecological Modelling Bd. 263 (2013) . - S. 92-102
doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.04.025 ...
Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Jeltsch, Florian; Thuiller, Wilfried; Higgins, Steven I.; Midgley, Guy F.; Rebelo, Anthony G.; Rouget, Mathieu; Schurr, Frank M.
Impacts of past habitat loss and future climate change on the range dynamics of South African P ...
In: Diversity and Distributions Bd. 19 (2013) Heft 4. - S. 363-376
doi:10.1111/ddi.12011 ...
February, Edmund C.; Higgins, Steven I.; Bond, William J.; Swemmer, Louise
Influence of competition and rainfall manipulation on the growth responses of savanna trees and ...
In: Ecology Bd. 94 (2013) Heft 5. - S. 1155-1164
doi:10.1890/12-0540.1 ...
Scheiter, Simon; Higgins, Steven I.
Intermediate Coupling between Aboveground and Belowground Biomass Maximises the Persistence of ...
In: PLoS One Bd. 8 (2013) Heft 4
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061149 ...
Scheiter, Simon; Langan, Liam; Higgins, Steven I.
Next-generation dynamic global vegetation models : learning from community ecology
In: New Phytologist Bd. 198 (2013) Heft 3. - S. 957-969
doi:10.1111/nph.12210 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Scheiter, Simon
Atmospheric CO₂ forces abrupt vegetation shifts locally, but not globally
In: Nature Bd. 488 (2012) Heft 7410. - S. 209-212
doi:10.1038/nature11238 ...
Hartig, Florian; Dyke, James; Hickler, Thomas; Higgins, Steven I.; O'Hara, Robert B.; Scheiter, Simon; Huth, Andreas
Connecting dynamic vegetation models to data : an inverse perspective
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 39 (2012) Heft 12. - S. 2240-2252
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02745.x ...
The ecological niche as a window to biodiversity
Hrsg.: Higgins, Steven I.; Römermann, Christine; O'Hara, Robert B.
Journal of Biogeography
doi:10.1111/jbi.12039 ...
Scheiter, Simon; Higgins, Steven I.; Osborne, Colin P.; Bradshaw, Catherine; Lunt, Dan; Ripley, Brad S.; Taylor, Lyla L.; Beerling, David J.
Fire and fire-adapted vegetation promoted C₄ expansion in the late Miocene
In: New Phytologist Bd. 195 (2012) Heft 3. - S. 653-666
doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04202.x ...
Scheiter, Simon; Higgins, Steven I.
How many elephants can you fit into a conservation area
In: Conservation Letters Bd. 5 (2012) Heft 3. - S. 176-185
doi:10.1111/j.1755-263X.2012.00225.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; O'Hara, Robert B.; Römermann, Christine
A niche for biology in species distribution models
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 39 (2012) Heft 12. - S. 2091-2095
doi:10.1111/jbi.12029 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; O'Hara, Robert B.; Bykova, Olga; Cramer, Michael; Chuine, Isabelle; Gerstner, Eva-Maria; Hickler, Thomas; Morin, Xavier; Kearney, Michael R.; Midgley, Guy F.; Scheiter, Simon
A physiological analogy of the niche for projecting the potential distribution of plants
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 39 (2012) Heft 12. - S. 2132-2145
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02752.x ...
Bykova, Olga; Chuine, Isabelle; Morin, Xavier; Higgins, Steven I.; Linder, Peter
Temperature dependence of the reproduction niche and its relevance for plant species distributi ...
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 39 (2012) Heft 12. - S. 2191-2200
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02764.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Bond, William J.; Combrink, Hendrik J.; Craine, Joseph M.; February, Edmund C.; Govender, Navashni; Lannas, Kathryn; Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Trollope, Winston S. W.
Which traits determine shifts in the abundance of tree species in a fire-prone savanna?
In: Journal of Ecology Bd. 100 (2012) Heft 6. - S. 1400-1410
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2012.02026.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Delgado-Cartay, Maria D.; February, Edmund C.; Combrink, Hendrik J.
Is there a temporal niche separation in the leaf phenology of savanna trees and grasses?
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 38 (2011) Heft 11. - S. 2165-2175
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02549.x ...
Hill, Michael J.; Hanan, Niall P.; Hoffmann, William; Scholes, Robert J.; Prince, Sam; Ferwerda, J.; Lucas, Robyn M.; Baker, I.; Arneth, Almut; Higgins, Steven I.; Barrett, D. J.; Disney, M.; Hutley, L.
Remote sensing and modeling of savannas : The state of the dis-union
34th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of the Environment
Sydney , 2011 ...
Moncrieff, Glenn R.; Chamaillé-Jammes, Simon; Higgins, Steven I.; O'Hara, Robert B.; Bond, William J.
Tree allometries reflect a lifetime of herbivory in an African savanna
In: Ecology Bd. 92 (2011) Heft 12. - S. 2310-2315
doi:10.1890/11-0230.1 ...
Kattge, J.; Diaz, S.; Lavorel, S.; Prentice, I. C.; Leadly, P.; Bönisch, G.; Garnier, E.; Westoby, Mark; Reich, P. B.; Wright, Ian J.; Cornelissen, J. Hans C.; Violle, C.; Harrison, S. P.; van Bodegom, P. M.; Reichstein, M.; Enquist, B. J.; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.; Ackerly, D. D.; Anand, M.; Atkin, O.; Bahn, Michael; Baker, T. R.; Baldocchi, D.; Bekker, R.; Blanco, C. C.; Blonder, B.; Bond, W. J.; Bradstock, R.; Bunker, D. E.; Casanoves, F.; Cavender-Bares, J.; Chambers, J. Q.; Chapin III, F. S.; Chave, Jérôme; Coomes, David; Cornwell, W. K.; Craine, Joseph M.; Dobrin, B. H.; Duarte, L.; Durka, W.; Elser, J.; Esser, G.; Estiarte, M.; Fagan, W. F.; Fang, J.; Fernández-Méndez, F.; Fidelis, A.; Finegan, B.; Flores, O.; Ford, H.; Frank, D.; Freschet, G. T.; Fyllas, N. M.; Gallagher, R. V.; Green, W. A.; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Hickler, T.; Higgins, Steven I.; Hodgson, J. G.; Jalili, A.; Jansen, Steven; Joly, C. A.; Kerkhoff, A. J.; Kirkup, D.; Kitajima, K.; Kleyer, M.; Klotz, S.; Knops, J. M. H.; Kramer, K.; Kühn, I.; Kurokawa, H.; Laughlin, D.; Lee, T. D.; Leishman, M.; Lens, F.; Lenz, T.; Lewis, S. L.; Lloyd, J.; Llusià, J.; Louault, F.; Ma, S.; Mahecha, M. D.; Manning, P.; Massad, T.; Medlyn, B. E.; Messier, J.; Moles, A. T.; Müller, S. C.; Nadrowski, K.; Naeem, S.; Niinemets, Ü.; Nöllert, S.; Nüske, A.; Ogaya, R.; Olegsyn, J.; Onipchenko, Vladimir; Onoda, Y.; Ordonez, J.; Overbeck, G.; Ozinga, Wim A.; Patino, S.; Paula, S.; Pausas, J. G.; Penuelas, J.; Phillips, O. L.; Pillar, V.; Poorter, H.; Poorter, L.; Poschlod, P.; Prinzing, A.; Proulx, R.; Rammig, A.; Reinsch, S.; Reu, B.; Sack, L.; Salgado-Negret, B.; Sardans, Jordi; Shiodera, S.; Shiphley, B.; Siefert, A.; Sosinski, E.; Soussana, J. F.; Swaine, E.; Swenson, N.; Thompson, K.; Thornton, P.; Waldram, M.; Weiher, Evan; White, M.; White, S.; Wright, S. J.; Yguel, B.; Zaehle, Sönke; Zanne, Amy E.; Wirth, C.
TRY : a global database of plant traits
In: Global Change Biology Bd. 17 (2011) Heft 9. - S. 2905-2935
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02451.x ...
van Langevelde, Frank; Tomlinson, Kyle; Barbosa, Eduardo R. M.; de Bie, Steven; Prins, Herbert H. T.; Higgins, Steven I.
Understanding Tree-Grass Coexistence and Impacts of Disturbance and Resource Variability in Sav ...
Ecosystem Function in Savannas : Measurement and Modeling at Landscape to Global Scales
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2011. - S. 257-268
Verweij, Richard J.T.; Higgins, Steven; Bond, William J.; February, Edmund C.
Water sourcing by trees in a mesic savanna : Responses to severing deep and shallow roots
In: Environmental and Experimental Botany Bd. 74 (2011) . - S. 229-236
doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2011.06.004 ...
Ratnam, Jayashree; Bond, William J.; Fensham, Rod J.; Hoffmann, William A.; Archibald, Sally; Lehmann, Caroline E. R.; Anderson, Michael T.; Higgins, Steven I.; Sankaran, Mahesh
When is a ‘forest’ a savanna, and why does it matter?
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography Bd. 20 (2011) Heft 5. - S. 653-660
doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00634.x ...
February, Edmund C.; Higgins, Steven I.
The distribution of tree and grass roots in savannas in relation to soil nitrogen and water
In: South African Journal of Botany Bd. 76 (2010) Heft 3. - S. 517-523
doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2010.04.001 ...
Zimmermann, Julia; Higgins, Steven I.; Grimm, Volker; Hoffmann, John; Linstädter, Anja
Grass mortality in semi-arid savanna : The role of fire, competition and self-shading
In: Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics Bd. 12 (2010) Heft 1. - S. 1-8
doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2009.09.003 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Scheiter, Simon; Sankaran, Mahesh
The stability of African savannas : insights from the indirect estimation of the parameters of ...
In: Ecology Bd. 91 (2010) Heft 6. - S. 1682-1692
doi:10.1890/08-1368.1 ...
Scheiter, Simon; Higgins, Steven I.
Impacts of climate change on the vegetation of Africa : an adaptive dynamic vegetation modellin ...
In: Global Change Biology Bd. 15 (2009) Heft 9. - S. 2224-2246
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01838.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Flores, Olivier; Schurr, Frank M.
Costs of persistence and the spread of competing seeders and sprouters
In: Journal of Ecology Bd. 96 (2008) Heft 4. - S. 679-686
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01391.x ...
Higgins, Steven; Bond, William J.; Trollope, Winston S. W.; Williams, Richard J.
Physically motivated empirical models for the spread and intensity of grass fires
In: International Journal of Wildland Fire Bd. 17 (2008) Heft 5. - S. 595-601
doi:10.1071/WF06037 ...
Zimmermann, Julia; Higgins, Steven I.; Grimm, Volker; Hoffmann, John; Münkemüller, Tamara; Linstädter, Anja
Recruitment filters in a perennial grassland : the interactive roles of fire, competitors, mois ...
In: Journal of Ecology Bd. 96 (2008) Heft 5. - S. 1033-1044
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01409.x ...
Schurr, Frank M.; Midgley, Guy F.; Rebelo, Anthony G.; Reeves, Gail; Poschlod, Peter; Higgins, Steven I.
Colonization and persistence ability explain the extent to which plant species fill their poten ...
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography Bd. 16 (2007) Heft 4. - S. 449-459
doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2006.00293.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Bond, William J.; February, Edmund C.; Bronn, Andries; Euston-Brown, Douglas I. W.; Enslin, Beukes; Govender, Navashni; Rademan, Louise; O'Regan, Sean; Potgieter, Andre L. F.; Scheiter, Simon; Sowry, Richard; Trollope, Lynn; Trollope, Winston S. W.
Effects of four decades of fire Manipulation on woody vegetation structure in savanna
In: Ecology Bd. 88 (2007) Heft 5. - S. 1119-1125
doi:10.1890/06-1664 ...
Scheiter, Simon; Higgins, Steven I.
Partitioning of Root and Shoot Competition and the Stability of Savannas
In: The American Naturalist Bd. 170 (2007) Heft 4. - S. 587-601
doi:10.1086/521317 ...
Midgley, Guy F.; Thuiller, Wilfried; Higgins, Steven I.
Plant Species Migration as a Key Uncertainty in Predicting Future Impacts of Climate Change on ...
Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World
Berlin : Springer, 2007. - S. 129-137
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-32730-1_11 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Kantelhardt, Jochen; Scheiter, Simon; Boerner, Jan
Sustainable management of extensively managed savanna rangelands
In: Ecological Economics Bd. 62 (2007) Heft 1. - S. 102-114
doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2006.05.019 ...
February, Edmund C.; Higgins, Steven I.; Newton, Rosemary; West, Adam G.
Tree distribution on a steep environmental gradient in an arid savanna
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 34 (2007) Heft 2. - S. 270-278
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2006.01583.x ...
Börner, Jan; Higgins, Steven I.; Kantelhardt, Jochen; Scheiter, Simon
Rainfall or price variability: what determines rangeland management decisions? A simulation-opt ...
In: Agricultural Economics Bd. 37 (2007) Heft 2-3. - S. 189-200
doi:10.1111/j.1574-0862.2007.00265.x ...
Sankaran, Mahesh; Hanan, Niall P.; Scholes, Robert J.; Ratnam, Jayashree; Augustine, David J.; Cade, Brian S.; Gignoux, Jacques; Higgins, Steven I.; Le Roux, Xavier; Ludwig, Fulco; Ardo, Jonas; Banyikwa, Feetham; Bronn, Andries; Bucini, Gabriela; Caylor, Kelly K.; Coughenour, Michael B.; Diouf, Alioune; Ekaya, Wellington; Feral, Christie J.; February, Edmund C.; Frost, Peter G. H.; Hiernaux, Pierre; Hrabar, Halszka; Metzger, Kristine L.; Prins, Herbert H. T.; Ringrose, Susan; Sea, William; Tews, Jörg; Worden, Jeff; Zambatis, Nick
Determinants of woody cover in African savannas
In: Nature Bd. 438 (2005) Heft 7069. - S. 846-849
doi:10.1038/nature04070 ...
Rejmánek, Marcel; Richardson, David M.; Higgins, Steven; Pitcairn, Michael J.; Grotkopp, Eva
Ecology of invasive plants : state of the art
Invasive alien species : a new synthesis
Washington, DC : Island Press, 2005. - S. 104-161 . - (SCOPE; 63)
Schurr, Frank M.; Bond, William J.; Midgley, Guy F.; Higgins, Steven
A mechanistic model for secondary seed dispersal by wind and its experimental validation
In: Journal of Ecology Bd. 93 (2005) Heft 5. - S. 1017-1028
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2005.01018.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Nathan, R.; Cain, Michael L.
Are long-distance Dispersal Events in Plants ususally caused by Nonstandard Means of Dispersal?
In: Ecology Bd. 84 (2003) Heft 8. - S. 1945-1956
doi:10.1890/01-0616 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Lavorel, Sandra; Revilla, Eloy
Estimating plant migration rates under habitat loss and fragmentation
In: Oikos Bd. 101 (2003) Heft 2. - S. 354-366
doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2003.12141.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Clark, James S.; Nathan, Ran; Hovestadt, Thomas; Schurr, Frank M.; Fragoso, José M. V.; Aguiar, Martin R.; Ribbens, Eric; Lavorel, Sandra
Forecasting plant migration rates : managing uncertainty for risk assessment
In: Journal of Ecology Bd. 91 (2003) Heft 3. - S. 341-347
doi:10.1046/j.1365-2745.2003.00781.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Lavorel, Sandra; Tackenberg, Oliver
Plant dispersal and habitat loss synergies
Climate change and biodiversity : synergistic impacts
Washington, DC : Conservation International, 2003. - S. 71-76 . - (Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science; 4)
Robertson, M. P.; Henderson, Lesley; Higgins, Steven I.; Fairbanks, Dean H. K.; Zimmermann, H. G.; le Maitre, David C.; Shackleton, Charlie M.; Villet, Martin H.; Hoffmann, John H.; Palmer, Anthony R.; Riggs, Ivan
A proposed prioritization system for the management of invasive alien plants in South Africa : ...
In: South African Journal of Science Bd. 99 (2003) Heft 1. - S. 37-43
Beukes, Pierre C.; Cowling, Richard M.; Higgins, Steven
An ecological economic simulation model of a non-selective grazing system in the Nama Karoo, So ...
In: Ecological Economics Bd. 42 (2002) Heft 1/2. - S. 221-242
doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(02)00055-1 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Cain, Michael L.
Spatially realistic plant metapopulation models and the colonization-competition trade-off
In: Journal of Ecology Bd. 90 (2002) Heft 4. - S. 616-626
doi:10.1046/j.1365-2745.2002.00694.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Bond, William J.; Pickett, Steward T.A.
Environmental stochasticity cannot save declining populations
In: Trends in Ecology & Evolution Bd. 16 (2001) Heft 4. - S. 177
doi:10.1016/S0169-5347(01)02112-7 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Richardson, David M.; Cowling, Richard M.
Validation of a spatial simulation model of a spreading alien plant population
In: Journal of Applied Ecology Bd. 38 (2001) Heft 3. - S. 571-584
doi:10.1046/j.1365-2664.2001.00616.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Bond, William J.; Trollope, Winston S. W.
Fire, resprouting and variability : a recipe for grass-tree coexistence in savanna
In: Journal of Ecology Bd. 88 (2000) Heft 2. - S. 213-229
doi:10.1046/j.1365-2745.2000.00435.x ...
Richardson, David M.; Bond, William J.; Dean, W. Richard J.; Higgins, Steven; Midgley, Guy F.; Milton, Suzanne J.; Powrie, Leslie W.; Rutherford, Michael C.; Samways, Michael J.; Schulze, Roland E.
Invasive Alien Species and Global Change : A South African Perspective
Invasive Species in a Changing World
Washington, DC : Island Press, 2000. - S. 303-350
Richardson, David M.; Higgins, Steven I.
Pines as invaders in the southern hemisphere
Ecology and Biogeography of Pinus
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000. - S. 450-473
Higgins, Steven I.; Pickett, Steward T .A.; Bond, William J.
Predicting extinction risks for plants : environmental stochasticity can save declining populat ...
In: Trends in Ecology & Evolution Bd. 15 (2000) Heft 12. - S. 516-520
doi:10.1016/S0169-5347(00)01993-5 ...
Gambiza, James; Bond, William J.; Frost, Peter G. H.; Higgins, Steven
Special Section: Land use options in dry tropical woodland ecosystems in Zimbabwe : A simulatio ...
In: Ecological Economics Bd. 33 (2000) Heft 3. - S. 353-368
doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(00)00145-2 ...
Higgins, Steven; Richardson, David M.; Cowling, Richard M.
Using a Dynamic Landscape Model for Planning the Management of Alien Plant Invasions
In: Ecological Applications Bd. 10 (2000) Heft 6. - S. 1833-1848
doi:10.2307/2641242 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Shackleton, Charlie M.; Robinson, E. Robbie
Changes in woody community structure and composition under constrasting landuse systems in a se ...
In: Journal of Biogeography Bd. 26 (1999) Heft 3. - S. 619-627
doi:10.1046/j.1365-2699.1999.t01-1-00317.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Richardson, David M.
Predicting Plant Migration Rates in a Changing World : The Role of Long‐Distance Dispersal
In: The American Naturalist Bd. 153 (1999) Heft 5. - S. 464-475
doi:10.1086/303193 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Richardson, David M.; Cowling, Richard M.; Trinder-Smith, Terry H.
Predicting the Landscape-Scale Distribution of Alien Plants and Their Threat to Plant Diversity
In: Conservation Biology Bd. 13 (1999) Heft 2. - S. 303-313
doi:10.1046/j.1523-1739.1999.013002303.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Richardson, David M.
Pine invasions in the southern hemisphere : modelling interactions between organism, environmen ...
In: Plant Ecology Bd. 135 (1998) Heft 1. - S. 79-93
doi:10.1023/A:1009760512895 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Rogers, Kevin H.; Kemper, Jessica
A description of the functional vegetation pattern of a semi-arid floodplain, South Africa
In: Plant Ecology Bd. 129 (1997) Heft 1. - S. 95-101
doi:10.1023/A:1009763931832 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Azorin, Esteban J.; Cowling, Richard M.; Morris, Mike J.
A dynamic ecological-economic model as a tool for conflict resolution in an invasive-alien-plan ...
In: Ecological Economics Bd. 22 (1997) Heft 2. - S. 141-154
doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(97)00574-0 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Turpie, Jane K.; Costanza, Robert; Cowling, Richard M.; le Maitre, Dave C.; Marais, Christo; Midgley, Guy F.
An ecological economic simulation model of mountain fynbos ecosystems : Dynamics, valuation and ...
In: Ecological Economics Bd. 22 (1997) Heft 2. - S. 155-169
doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(97)00575-2 ...
Cowling, Richard M.; Constanza, Robert; Higgins, Steven I.
Services supplied by South African fynbos ecosystems
Nature's Services : Societal Dependence On Natural Ecosystems
Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 1997. - S. 345-362
Richardson, David M.; van Wilgen, Brian W.; Higgins, Steven I.; Trinder-Smith, Terry H.; Cowling, Richard M.; McKell, D. H.
Current and future threats to plant biodiversity on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa
In: Biodiversity and Conservation Bd. 5 (1996) Heft 5. - S. 607-647
doi:10.1007/BF00137612 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Richardson, David M.; Cowling, Richard M.
Modeling Invasive Plant Spread : The Role of Plant-Environment Interactions and Model Structure
In: Ecology Bd. 77 (1996) Heft 7. - S. 2043-2054
doi:10.2307/2265699 ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Coetzee, M. A. S.; Marneweck, G. C.; Rogers, K. H.
The Nyl River floodplain, South Africa, as a functional unit of the landscape : A review of cur ...
In: African Journal of Ecology Bd. 34 (1996) Heft 2. - S. 131-145
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.1996.019-89019.x ...
Higgins, Steven I.; Richardson, David M.
A review of models of alien plant spread
In: Ecological Modelling Bd. 87 (1996) Heft 1/3. - S. 249-265
doi:10.1016/0304-3800(95)00022-4 ...

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
Prof. Dr. Steven Higgins
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