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Chair of Plant Ecology - Prof. Dr. Steven Higgins

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Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Biol. Reiner Zimmermann

Wissenschaftlicher Assistent

Bis 05/2000 beim Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
e-Mail: Reiner.Zimmermann(at)bitoek.uni-bayreuth.de

Mitarbeiter im International Arctic Research Center

Kubota, M; Tenhunen, JD; Zimmermann, R; Schmidt, M; Adiku, SGK; Kakubari, Y: Influences of environmental factors on the radial profile of sap flux density in Fagus crenata growing at different elevations in the Naeba Mountains, Japan, Tree Physiology(25), 545-556 (2005)
Lindenmair, J; Matzner, E; Zimmermann, R: The role of woody roots in water uptake of mature spruce, beech, and oak trees in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 279-290 (2004)
Kakubari, Y; Kubota, M; Tenhunen, JD; Zimmermann, R; Law, J; Hurst, L; Yamada, K: Carbon sequestration of arid-land ecosystems at Leonora, West Australia assessed with experiments and modeling in Shimizu H. ed., National Institute for Evironmental Studies: Integration and Regional Researches to Combat Desertification Present State and Future Prospect, 269-273 (2002)
Kubota, M; Naramoto, M; Tenhunen, JD; Zimmermann, R; Law, J; Hurst, L; Yamada, K; Kakubari, Y: Sap flux changes in Acacia aneura trees after irrigation on dry season in Leonora, West-Australia in Shimizu H. ed., National Institute for Evironmental Studies: Integration and Regional Researches to Combat Desertification Present State and Future Prospect, 281-285 (2002)
Köstner, B; Tenhunen, JD; Alsheimer, M; Wedler, M; Scharfenberg, HJ; Zimmermann, R; Falge, E; Joss, U: Controls on evapotranspiration in a spruce forest catchment of the Fichtelgebirge in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 147, 377-415 (2001)
Zimmermann, R; Schulze, ED; Wirth, C; Schulze, EE; McDonald, KC; Vygodskaya, NN; Ziegler, W: Canopy transpiration in a chronosequence of Central Siberian pine forests, Global Change Biology, 6, 25-37 (2000) -- Details
Frolking, S; McDonald, KC; Kimball, JS; Way, JB; Zimmermann, R; Running, SW: Using the space-borne NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) to determine the frozen and thawed seasons, Journal of Geophysical Research D, 104/D22, 895-907 (1999) -- Details
Philips, N; Oren, R; Zimmermann, R; Wright, SJ: Temporal patterns of water flux in trees and lianas in a Panamanian moist forest, Trees, 14, 116-123 (1999) -- Details
Refisch, J; Etzrodt, N; Zimmermann, R: Radar imagery as a tool in pre-classification of primate habitats in the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, Primate Report, 54 (1), 28 (1999)
Wirth, C; Schulze, ED; Schulze, W; Stünzner-Knabe, Dv; Ziegler, W; Miljukova, IM; Sogatchev, A; Varlagin, AB; Panvyorov, M; Grigoriev, S; Kusnetzova, W; Siry, M; Hardes, G; Zimmermann, R; Vygodskaya, NN: Above-ground biomass and structure of pristine Siberian Scots pine forests as controlled by competition and fire, Oecologia, 121, 66-80 (1999) -- Details
Tenhunen, JD; Valentini, R; Köstner, B; Zimmermann, R; Granier, A: Variation in forest gas exchange at landscape to continental scales, Annales des Sciences Forestières, 55, 1-11 (1998) -- Details
Oren, R; Zimmermann, R; Terborgh, J: Transpiration in upper Amazonia floodplain and upland forests in response to drought-breaking rains, Ecology, 77, 968-973 (1996)
Phillips, N; Oren, R; Zimmermann, R: Radial patterns of xylem sap flow in non-, diffuse- and ring-porous tree species, Plant, Cell and Environment, 19, 983-990 (1996)

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