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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Chair of Plant Ecology - Prof. Dr. Steven Higgins

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M.Sc. Daniel O. Okach


Bis 09/2019 beim Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
e-Mail: kosieko(at)gmail.com

Herbaceous vegetation response to grazing and manipulated precipitation in a humid Kenyan savanna

 (Ph.D. thesis supported by DAAD and supervised by PD Dr. Dennis Otieno)

Mr. Okach focuses on the role of rainfall and grazing in modifying the structure and functioning of the herbaceous layer community in a moist tropical savanna in Kenya under the supervision of Dr. Dennis Otieno. His work compares the intensity of grazing at 3 levels of manipulated rainfall amounts (50%, 100% and 150%). Both spatial and seasonal impacts on species composition, carbon dioxide exchange and biomass productivity are examined. The data will be incorporated into long-term climate data using PROXEL-PIXGRO model in order to predict future productivity trends in this region of E. Africa.

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